Green Planet Association
Making Life Better
Socio-Economic Empowerment for the Disenfranchised
At-Risk Youth
Green Planet, Inc. believes that every individual has the ability to succeed in life if given the opportunity and necessary resources to help them do so, and this is especially true with those living in poverty.
Our vision is straightforward: to aid and empower individuals living well below poverty lines so that they can advance out of destitution, eventually become self-sufficient and productive, and live in harmony with other members of their respective communities while making their own positive contributions (economically, socially, academically, and emotionally) for the well-being and advancement of said communities.
Green planet Association advocates fair treatment, equality, and justice as basic principles that permit individuals to meet their basic needs, to live in harmony in their respective societies and communities, and to pursue their life goals while positively contributing to the advancement of their families and said communities.
This is especially true for the most underprivileged and marginalized groups, particularly widows and young girls in developing nations, for whom certain doors are closed. We feel it is important to address the inhumane treatment and discrimination that widows and other severely marginalized groups of people and their families who find themselves at risk and cannot fend for themselves.
As a result Green planet Association, through a wide range of projects and programmes provides support and interventions in the south west region of Cameroon especially in Manyu division to address these inequalities and ensure that disadvantaged people have access to resources, services and opportunities to change the lives and their society.
- To promote women rights, equality and empowerment through wide range interventions
- To work with like-minded groups, associations, organisations and individuals at local, national and international levels to help marginal and underprivileged groups.
- To have an impact on official policies and laws that have a degrading effect on and negatively impact already marginalized groups of people and their families.
- To create opportunities by collaborating and partnering with other agencies to provide services to groups and families who are at risk.
- To focus on developing and implementing sustainable programmes and projects, that will assist and empower families/individuals at risk, especially women by promoting income generating activities, equality, rights, healthcare and inclusion, to meet self-sufficiency (which will in turn lead to more productivity and a sense of well-being for the individuals) and promote justice and equality through the condemnation of various forms of ignorant, dehumanizing, disrespectful, and inhumane treatment against underprivileged groups in society - whose numbers are only growing. Consequently, these programmes, projects, and activities will start at local level and develop progressively to include wider geographical areas and fields of human endeavour.
- To encourage and advocate for basic respect, opportunity, and decency for all.
- Design and implement initiatives to support and empower disadvantaged people especially on issues of healthcare, income generation, livelihoods, social inclusion, rights and equality.
- Carry out advocacy, campaign and sensitisation on key issues
affecting the community in order to bring about lasting improvement
and behavioural change through which sustainable change can be
- Encourage community consultation on community problems and challenges, as a means of creating a dynamic for change within the community, starting with families.
- Engage and influence religious and secular authorities, community leaders and persons of influence to ensure that disadvantaged women have better outcomes in the society
- Network and partner with other groups, associations and organisations, including relevant government institutions, in the pursuit of these goals.